Go Make Disciples, our diocesan-wide evangelization initiative, is who we are and what we do as baptized followers of Jesus Christ. It is our participation in the perennial mission of the Church. Into the Deep, meanwhile, is our strategic planning effort to realign our resources so that we can better accomplish and live out this mission, both now and for generations to come.
Bishop Donald J. Hying
In the Gospels Jesus says, "let the children come to me" (Matthew 19:14). We know that our children and our teens are the future of the Church. So, as we work to better engage our young people, let us echo the words of Pope Francis, who said: "Dear young people, we need you. We need your creativity, your dreams and your courage, your charm and your smiles, your contagious joy.... The Church is with you and needs each one of you very much, so that we can be renewed."
After Jesus called His disciples He spent the next 3 years forming them for mission. We are grateful to have many dedicated laymen and laywomen serving across our diocese in parishes, schools, and other apostolates. And while it is true that anyone who has encountered the love of Christ should be actively engaged in the work of evangelization and disciple-making, formation and training help to make these efforts more fruitful and effective. In short, well-formed Christian leaders make our parishes, schools, and diocese stronger.
"Whatever you do for one of the least of these you do it for me." This is the teaching of Jesus, and it speaks to why the Catholic Church has always placed such a strong emphasis on and has such a longstanding history of practicing the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. May God continue to help all of us in the Diocese of Madison take to heart these words of St. Teresa of Calcutta: "Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely, and the unwanted according to the graces we have received, and let us not be ashamed or slow to do [this] humble work."
We believe that the Into the Deep strategic plan will help us to achieve a brighter future for our local church, which is the Diocese of Madison. And, we need your help!
We need your prayers, your renewed commitment to following Jesus as a missionary disciple, and your continued engagement. We want you to walk with us. Please check back on this site often and if you have a question, send a message to communication@madisondioces
May God help all of us in the Diocese of Madison courageously and generously follow Him...into the deep...and on the path to heaven!
Do not be afraid. Do not be satisfied with mediocrity.
Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.”
Saint Pope John Paul II